Oesophagectomy - Patient Advice
Patient leaflet from NHS for Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) - Oesophagectomy. #oesophagectomy #surgery #rehab #infoforpatients...
Pulmonary Rehab
Pulmonary rehab exercise programme leaflet. #copd #infoforpatients #leaflet #pulmonaryrehab
Energy Conservation Techniques
COPD breathing control and energy conservation techniques leaflet. #copd #energyconservationtechniques #breathingcontrol...
COPD Patient Resource
Useful patient COPD pulmonary rehab leaflet. #infoforpatients #cardiorespiratory #copd #pulmonaryrehab #leaflet
Parkinson's & Falls
This information sheet looks at some of the reasons why people with Parkinson’s may experience falls. It gives helpful tips on what you...