Useful guide of chest sounds
Breath sounds reference guide. #cardiorespiratory #auscultation #guide
Chest Drain Guidelines
NHS documentation (not current) about insertion and management of chest drains. #cardiorespiratory #chestdrain #guide #nhs
Early Activity after Cardiac Surgery
Article here. #ebp #cardiorespiratory #rehab #surgery
Patient Guidelines following CABG
General Home Activity and Exercise Guidelines for patients after CABG. #cardiorespiratory #rehab #infoforpatients #cabg #surgery
Variations in Cardiac Rehab
Article on CSP website: UK-wide survey of physios working at cardiothoracic centres reveals wide variations in rehabilitation for...
Energy Conservation Techniques
COPD breathing control and energy conservation techniques leaflet. #copd #energyconservationtechniques #breathingcontrol...
COPD Patient Resource
Useful patient COPD pulmonary rehab leaflet. #infoforpatients #cardiorespiratory #copd #pulmonaryrehab #leaflet
Forced Inspiration: Muscle Anatomy & Diagrams
Video here. #lungs #cardiorespiratory #anatomy #video
Lung Volumes
If anyone is having any trouble memorising lung volumes, this video shows a really easy way. #video #lungs #cardiorespiratory #anatomy